What if you’ve never taken a kickboxing class before – or any fitness class? Can you still take kickboxing at TopKick Martial Arts?

I’m happy to report that the answer is yes! You don’t have to ever have taken a formal fitness class before to reap the benefits of kickboxing.

Does that mean there won’t be a learning curve? Of course not. You’ll be starting out as a beginner. Our staff has experience working with students at every level, and they’ll be there to help you get your feet under you – both literally and figuratively.

What I think you’ll find is that you’ll improve rapidly. Like martial arts, kickboxing is a skill that builds on small successes. You master one move, and that gives you information and skills you need to master the next.

You’ll learn moves by themselves first. Then, you’ll learn how to put them together into short combinations – and then long combinations. Before you know it, you’ll be kickboxing like you’ve been doing it for years!

I realize that it can be intimidating to try something new – especially as an adult. Kids are accustomed to trying new things because almost everything is new. As adults, we tend to get a bit jaded. We want to think we’ve got it all figured out, and it can be hard to admit it when we don’t.

That’s okay. In fact, learning new things is great for you as an adult. It forces your brain to make new connections. That’s the kind of thing that wards off dementia and keeps your brain working at top capacity.

So, if you’re ready to break out of your routine and try something new, may I suggest one of our fitness kickboxing classes? They’re a great way to challenge yourself mentally and physically.


John Cassidy

Founder of TopKick Martial Arts